Monday, April 11, 2011

Out Of Gas- The Quarter Tank Rule

Late last week, I ran out of Gas.... Literally.... I was about a mile from home, and the car finally coasted to a rest on the shoulder. I know, I know,'re saying. "Codeman! How can you run out of gas??!! They have warning lights for stuff like that!"

I know. And that light was on too... but for some reason, I thought that I could make it anyway.

So on my jog home I had some unexpected time to talk to God about how I could let this happen. Sure, I knew I was low on fuel. I had a gauge that was buried below "E," plus that little orange light next to the gas gauge that looks like a gas pump was on too. But I ignored all of those signals and pressed on anyway (even passing two gas stations on my way) and now had nothing left but the consequences of my actions.

Sound familiar?

When our energy tanks run low in ministry, its easy to convince ourselves to keep going and ignore the warnings. And in the midst trying to conserve what little energy we have left, we try to find ways to "coast" and take short cuts thinking it will help us to keep going... and the whole time we are trying to squeeze every little drop out of our tanks, our tanks run lower and lower....and the ministry suffers because of our conservation. So...Why don't we stop and get some more gas?

Let me encourage you to make a change... both in your car, and in your ministry habits. Adopt what I am calling the "Quarter Tank Rule." When you get down to 1/4 tank left... stop and get more! Don't risk it! We all know that when we run low, we start to conserve. So do yourself a favor and fill-up before you get there! Take a day off! Recharge! Pray about ways to energize yourself that will work best! Even if you don't feel tired yet, work it into your schedule to do anyway. A tank that's not as empty doesn't take as much to refill, but if you abuse yourself and run it dry, it may take more time, and it will be more difficult to recover.

The Quarter Tank Rule is designed to eliminate panic, shortcuts and coasting. You won't have to worry about conserving. Put the pedal to the metal and use it up!... Just remember to keep putting gas in it!

Cody Collier is a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA and serves as Worship Leader at Goshen First Church of God in Goshen IN, and as Midday Radio Host at Family Friendly 104.7/93.7 WFRN. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Cody, for the reminder. This is one of those things we in ministry know but tend to forget. There's a reason Scripture tells us to be still and know!
